I have been trying to set SAMBA up to serve files read only to a Windows 7 machine from my main Linux desktop. It's been a complete failure. I have NFS working and it shares files to the other Linux machines and it's simple as pie. SAMBA is not simple. It's not easy, it's not working with the tools and knowledge I have. The 'Internet' has been no help. The mailing list I am subscribed to has been silent to my query. I have had a little good luck with one of the moderators on the forum I am subscribed to but that help hasn't led to a system that 'just works' or even kinda works. It's still broken and not doing what I want.
The simple requirement is for a Linux machine to serve some media files read only to a Windows 7 machine. The Windows 7 machine sees the directories on the Linux machine. However it keeps prompting me for a user name and password. A user name and password I have never created. It's never prompeted me to make them and it's not supposed to need either. The SWAT interface and YAST don't offer to mange this in a useful way to me. The 'Internet' offers all the information I don't need and none that simply lays out how to make this work quickly and painlessly like NFS is managed through YAST.
So watching video files served from Linux to my iPad via Air Play on my a Windows 7 computer can't be done. I'ts pissed me off enough to write about it. Broken crap is broken.
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